Is this YOU?

  • Overwhelmed with how to feed and nourish your body.

  • Uncertain of how to navigate all of the nutrition and lifestyle info out there (on social media and the web).

  • Your energy is up and down throughout the day.

  • You feel like you are running on fumes and need coffee to function.

  • You are randomly bloated and not exactly sure why.

Unsure of where to start for balancing hormones and gut health!

Do you want to improve your health but find yourself uncertain of where to start?

I have worked with countless women and one of their biggest complaints is being uncertain of where to start, when it comes to improving their hormone and overall health.

The truth is, if foundations are missing, then hormone health and overall health will take a hit. Learning how to properly support your body by diet and lifestyle can be game changers for your health that will bring lasting results!

About REVAMP your Health

REVAMP your Health is a 4-week, self-paced course that will take you deep into learning about the foundations of nutrition and lifestyle. This course was designed to provide you with a better understanding of how to improve your metabolism, energy, and clarity around properly fueling and supporting your body. 

Each week we will focus on a new topic that will include videos and supporting materials. There will also be a challenge that will go with each week to help put what you are learning into action! 

WEEK 1: Replenish (how to build a balanced plate and what foods to focus on)

WEEK 2: Energize (all the deets about balancing blood sugar and what impacts blood sugar)

WEEK 3: Vigor (We will dive deep into lifestyle this week talking about sleep, stress, movement, and hydration)

WEEK 4: Absorption (it would not be right if we didn’t touch on gut health and how it can impact your health and ways to start improving)

BONUS: Maintain and Plan (this will provide information for when to consider further assistance and supplements)

You will also have access to join the REVAMP your Health Community group on Facebook for further support!

Who is the face behind Nutrition with Michal and REVAMP your Health?

Hello! My name is Michal and I am a Functional Women's Health Dietitian.

I am passionate about helping other women better support their hormone health because I have felt defeated before with my health. On my healing journey, I quickly learned that just because you are a woman does not mean that your health takes that backseat. After struggling years with horrible periods and an IBS diagnosis, I was able to make nutrition and lifestyle changes that changed my quality of life!

YOU do not have to feel defeated with your health! It is possible to make changes and see your energy, metabolism, gut health, periods, and overall health improve!


What Clients are Saying:

"Michal is amazing! I can say I feel like my normal self again. I can think clearly, I don’t want to break down in tears every day and I have energy for the first time in 2 years!

Thank you Michal!" - Courtney

"This was a huge eye opener for me to see that my lifestyle needed a drastic change and Michal has worked with me on this at my pace. She is incredible at communication and follow through. I have sent her info to many friends and colleagues." - Lindsay

"Michal was so detailed and helpful in the health consult and found a regimen to get me back on the path to healing. After missing my period for 4 months, I finally got it back after the protocol and supplements she put me on. I know this is the fresh start I needed towards health and healing!"

- Cherish

What is the price?